working for Sole Traders

At, we offer a number of accountancy solutions to assist you as a sole trader. Although being a sole trader is one of the simplest ways to get started in business, there are many processes that need to be followed.

Are you already trading or considering starting a business as a sole trader? At, we can help as we are a ‘one-stop-shop’ for accountancy services and tax advice for small businesses and self-employed individuals.

The main advantages of setting up as a sole trader are:

  • Total control – You have total control over the business. Decisions can be made quickly and easily, from accountancy and financial decisions to general business decisions.
  • Easy to change to another trading identity. It is relatively easy to change your trading identity from that of a sole trader to a limited company.
  • Keep the profit – As the owner of the business, all the profit belongs to you.
  • Business affairs are private

The main disadvantages of being a sole trader are:

  • You are personally liable and accountable for all your businesses debts – Should your business fail you could end up losing your personal assets such as your home, car, etc.
  • Can be difficult to raise finance -When you run a small unincorporated business, banks will not lend you large sums and you may find raising finance for the business is very difficult unless you are prepared to change your ownership status.